Monday, 6 June 2011


So I am fasting today, and so far I am feeling pretty good about it, I had a glass of milk, because well whatever about going without food... I WILL NEVER GO WITHOUT MILK. It will never happen. Ever. That’s a promise. So right now I am supposed to be studying, instead I am trying to go on PT, but webs is being glitchy... Ugh. I hate when webs is glitch because I can’t get onto PT or Pretty Alone, or anything for that matter. So instead to help me, I have a stash of thinspo on my laptop and on my phone to keep me motivated, and now I will share..


For some reason thinspo calms me, and helps keep my head screwed on. When I’m freaking out and craving like crazy, I look at some thinspo and immediately feel better... Does anyone else feel that way? Or am I just losing it? Because that is also a very high possibility...
Oh and while we are at it... Has anyone heard Avril Lavigne- Smile? I love it... It’s a very feel good song, as is Gary go- Say I Am. If you’re feeling shitty have a listen, they make me feel better, which is a no easy task...

Sunday, 5 June 2011

While I'm at it..

And while I am at all the self pity crap, I am sorry for all the complaining, I need to vent, and well I hate burdening my friends will all my stuff, and I think they are tired of hearing about all the things that go wrong in my life, so if someone somewhere is reading this, then I am sorry. And thank you for taking the time to read this.. :)

Why Me?

Why me?
Why do I have to deal with all of this?
I envy girls who’s biggest troubles are their boyfriends.
Why can’t a dumbass boy be the most of my troubles?
Oh yeah that’s why.
Because I cut them out,
A long time ago
Because boys are asses
At least all the ones that I have ever dealt with
They all leave me
Or they are never with me in the first pace
They are in it for one thing
Who knows? Maybe that’s all I’m good for? Sex
Maybe I don’t deserve to be loved or cared for.
I have done some terrible things in the last 2 years.
So maybe that’s my karma.
Maybe it’s all, my fault
Maybe I brought all of this hurt, pain, and suffering, and constant struggle on myself.
And maybe I will have to live with it for the rest of my life,
Because of all the terrible things that I’ve done.
Why have I lost control of everything?
Everything has just spun completely out of control
But why?
Why this?
Why now?
Why me?

What We Do

What we do
     It’s not easy
                It’s damn well hard
There is nothing easy about it
                     Nothing in the slightest
     We struggle every day
                We strive for P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N.
But what is perfection?
                           Why do we want it so bad?
     I guess I’ll never really know the answer.
                Only that I wants it.
And if it takes dying to get there,
                     Then so be it.
I will never be happy unless I am perfect,
                           Unless I have full control over everything I do,
           And if that never happens,
                Then I won’t want to live anyway.

So the last few days

The last few days have been reasonably OK, My gran has been normal the last few days, which is good for her because usually she is really down, or manic, manic is scary. Majorly scary.. But my grandfather took her out for dinner the other night and she is really good since.
Me however? Well I lost 3lbs, and now for the last 3 days I have maintained which is really annoying.. I haven't been eating anything, well 200 cals, 300 cals and the 250, so I am gonna fast tomorrow and see how that goes.
I just want to thin, and beautiful, and happy, and PERFECT!