So I am fasting today, and so far I am feeling pretty good about it, I had a glass of milk, because well whatever about going without food... I WILL NEVER GO WITHOUT MILK. It will never happen. Ever. That’s a promise. So right now I am supposed to be studying, instead I am trying to go on PT, but webs is being glitchy... Ugh. I hate when webs is glitch because I can’t get onto PT or Pretty Alone, or anything for that matter. So instead to help me, I have a stash of thinspo on my laptop and on my phone to keep me motivated, and now I will share..
For some reason thinspo calms me, and helps keep my head screwed on. When I’m freaking out and craving like crazy, I look at some thinspo and immediately feel better... Does anyone else feel that way? Or am I just losing it? Because that is also a very high possibility...
Oh and while we are at it... Has anyone heard Avril Lavigne- Smile? I love it... It’s a very feel good song, as is Gary go- Say I Am. If you’re feeling shitty have a listen, they make me feel better, which is a no easy task...